Executive Function Resources

By Dr. Sheila Murphy
August 26, 2022

The Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University defines executive function and self-regulation skills as the mental processes that enable us to plan, focus attention, remember instructions, and juggle multiple tasks successfully. Just as an air traffic control system at a busy airport safely manages the arrivals and departures of many aircraft on multiple runways, the brain needs this skill set to filter distractions, prioritize tasks, set and achieve goals, and control impulses. 

These higher order thinking skills can be broken down into the following eight executive function areas:

  • Working Memory
  • Self Regulation
  • Time Management and Planning 
  • Organization
  • Self-monitoring
  • Attention
  • Impulse Control
  • Cognitive Flexibility

We understand that it can be very overwhelming to learn that you or your student is struggling in one or more of these areas, so we have compiled a list of our top resources to help you navigate these new waters. Each of the 8 executive functions has a general information header which includes links that will teach you about that particular EF skill, and a Strategies and Support header which offers tools for students, caregivers, and educators.

  1. Executive Function Overview
  2. Executive Function Strategies
  3. Working Memory
  4. Self-Regulation
  5. Time Management and Planning
  6. Organization
  7. Self-Monitoring
  8. Attention
  9. Impulse Control
  10. Cognitive Flexibility

Executive Function Overview

Executive Function Strategies

Working Memory

General Information

Strategies and Supports




General Information

Strategies and Supports  

Time Management and Planning

General Information

Strategies and Supports


General Information

Strategies and Supports


General Information

Strategies and Supports


General Information

Strategies and Supports

Impulse Control

General Information

Strategies and Supports

Cognitive Flexibility

General Information

Strategies and Supports