Executive Function is the air-traffic controller of the brain
It helps us manage information, make decisions, and plan ahead—among other things. We need these skills at every stage of life, but they are especially critical to the success of our educational journey.

The importance of Executive Function.

Executive Function skills begin development in early childhood and peak around age 25. Developing & strengthening these skills ensures better outcomes both in and out of the classroom. Paying attention, planning, organizing, initiating tasks, self-monitoring, regulating, taking in, and retaining information—are all important life skills, especially when it comes to academic success.

While all learners and situations are different, below are a few common signs of executive functioning weaknesses.

  • Difficulty starting or completing tasks
  • Inability to organize or plan for future events
  • Trouble with listening or paying attention
  • Difficulty solving problems
  • Challenged by learning or processing new information
  • Inability to control emotions or impulses
  • Trouble with completing tasks in a timely manner

Executive Function (EF) Programs & Teaching Frameworks for Every Learner

Zones of Regulation®
The Zones of Regulation® (ZoR) is a research-based metacognitive framework and teaching curriculum designed to help students learn strategies for emotional and sensory self-management. The program focuses on helping students gain skills to consciously regulate their actions, leading to increased emotional control and problem-solving abilities. For Learners:
  • With Learning Differences
  • On the Autism Spectrum
  • With an Attention Disorder (ADHD)
  • With Executive Dysfunction
For learners who learn best
who need help developing their self-understanding, regulating their emotions and behaviors, and problem-solving.

“I’m spunky, active but feel disconnected from school, especially during independent reading.”

“I’m spunky, active but feel disconnected from school, especially during independent reading.”


SMARTS EF® is a holistic, research-based executive functioning (EF) framework and curriculum for all learners in grades 2-12. It helps them learn self-understanding and basic EF strategies that promote self-confidence, resilience, and academic success—areas that are critical for success in school and life. For Learners:
  • With Learning Differences
  • Without Learning Differences
  • On the Autism Spectrum
  • With an Attention Disorder (ADHD)
  • With Executive Dysfunction
For learners who learn best
who need help developing their self-under-standing and regulation, or in planning and organizing activities, like completing a project or studying for an exam.

“I am outgoing, fun-loving, and I choose friends over learning. I love sports, skateboarding, gaming.”

“I am outgoing, fun-loving, and I choose friends over learning. I love sports, skateboarding, gaming.”
Additional Programs Supporting EF Development
Learnfully also provides support for learners using the following proven, efficacy-based executive function programs and methodologies:
  • RUSH EF®
  • Social Thinking®
  • PESI EF®
What educators are saying
“If you can point to a word your child either misspelled or misread and he or she is quickly able to correct this mistake, this is an executive function issue, not a skills-based issue.”
Thea Slingland

Head of Educational Services

“Understanding Executive Function and mastering strategies to increase these skills provides opportunities for our learners to grow as individuals,reach personal goals, and excel academically, socially, and personally.”
Rachel Leonard
Education Specialist
“Break down any type of work, life-task, or project deadline into small, manageable pieces. Then, using the Pomodoro technique (and music if you can swing it) is my favorite recommendation to start making progress.”
Elizabeth Boyarsky
Education Specialist

Foundational Learning Skills make all learning possible.

Whether or not your learner has a diagnosed learning difference, foundations of literacy, math, and other areas of critical thinking have proven to be the building blocks of effective learning.

Learnfully is here to help you identify learning opportunities and provides the path to achieve your child’s goals.
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