Designed for Each Unique Learner

The Learnfully Difference

We know the struggles that learners with ADHD, ASD and Dyslexia face. Only Learnfully’s network of Educational Specialists can provide your learner with personalized instruction aligned to their specific strengths and needs.

  • Individualized Instruction
    Our team of Education Specialists provides personalized instruction matched to each unique learner.
  • Evidence-based Programs
    Our evidence-based and multisensory programs are designed to help every child learn how they learn best. Strength & interest-based sessions drive engagement.
  • Educational Specialists
    Our team of specialized educators believes in each learner's potential. They provide personalized instruction that helps learners reach their full potential.
  • Flexible Scheduling
    Our programs are designed to fit each learner’s needs, this includes flexible scheduling that works for your family, either online or in-person.
  • Parent Education
    Every aspect of the Learnfully experience aligns with individual learner’s needs including parent coaching. Our team of specialists provides the tools and resources to guide parents along the way.
  • Continuous Feedback
    As parents ourselves, we understand the importance of transparency & communication. We proudly incorporate an open feedback loop, essential to the success of the learner.

How Does Your Child Learn?

Kids are all unique, helping them thrive requires solutions that are equally unique.

How My Parents See Me

Innovative, fun, high learning potential, gives up and loses focus easily.

How My Teachers See Me

Smart, creative, imaginative, instantly overwhelmed by anything writing related.

How I See Myself

Voracious reader, love to learn, cannot see the purpose in writing so I don’t really give it my all, much rather draw.

How Learnfully Sees Me

  • Extremely intelligent.
  • Strong visual learner.
  • Weak auditory, tactile learner.
  • Motivated by vivid imagery.
  • Fan of Fantasy books, especially Harry Potter and Percy Jackson.

How Learnfully Helps

  • We utilize learners’ strengths and interests to remediate challenges.
  • We implement multisensory, evidence-based programs to strengthen foundations & build confidence in the learner.
  • We show students color-coded, systematic approaches such as Step up to Writing® and Writers Workshop® to the layers within the writing process.
  • We practice strategies that can be generalized in all settings once students see their own success.

How My Parents See Me

Free thinker, imaginative, expressive and confident, spacey at times

How My Teachers See Me

Social, dynamic and talkative, struggles with Executive Functioning universally.

How I See Myself

Overwhelmed by the teacher’s directions and talking in general, I love to play, work on art projects and write my own stories. I prefer free time with my friends.

How Learnfully Sees Me

  • Bright and a visionary.
  • Strong visual and tactile learner.
  • Weak auditory learner.
  • Scattered and lacks systems to reach potential.
  • Fan of anything hands-on like arts/crafts, building, dramatic play.

How Learnfully Helps

  • We utilize learners’ strengths and interests to remediate challenges.
  • We implement multisensory, evidence-based programs to strengthen foundations & build confidence in the learner.
  • We systematize and strategize all aspects of their lives in order to generalize in all settings.
  • We guide students to a level of independence that allows them to feel successful and reach their potential.

How My Parents See Me

Smart and distracted, motivated only by his own interests.

How My Teachers See Me

Bright with lots of potential, hands on, loves to build and move around while learning.

How I See Myself

Not as a learner, but as a doer. I like to design and work on my own projects/stories and school seems to get in theway. Why do I need to know math when I am older anyway?

How Learnfully Sees Me

  • Extremely bright & perceptive.
  • Strong tactile learner.
  • Weak visual and auditory learner.
  • Easily distracted in group and classroom settings.
  • Fan of Legos and Minecraft.

How Learnfully Helps

  • We utilize learners’ strengths and interests to remediate challenges.
  • We implement multisensory, evidence-based programs such as Making Math Real® and Lindamood-Bell® On Cloud Nine® to strengthen foundations and build confidence in the learner.
  • We practice strategies to increase growth and mathmindsets that can be generalized in all settings.
  • We strengthen visual memory with problem-solving skills.

Learnfully is NOT Lindamood-Bell Learning Processes. Learnfully is NOT affiliated with, certified, endorsed, licensed, monitored or sponsored by Lindamood-Bell, Nanci Bell, Phyllis Lindamood or Patricia Lindamood. Lindamood-Bell – an international organization creating and implementing unique instructional methods and programs for quality intervention to advance language and literacy skills – in no way endorses or monitors the services provided by Learnfully.

How My Parents See Me

Smart and funny, but stubborn and doesn’t try hard enough.

How My Teachers See Me

Bright with lots of potential, highly social, disruptive, forgetful, and chooses not to follow instructions.

How I See Myself

Misunderstood. I work really hard, but nothing I do seems good enough. Too many instructions confuse me and I’m not sure how to ask for help.

How Learnfully Sees Me

  • Extremely bright & perceptive.
  • Strong visual learner.
  • Weak auditory learner
  • Highly anxious in group and classroom settings.
  • Fan of Star Wars.

How Learnfully Helps

  • We utilize learners’ strengths and interests to remediate challenges.
  • We implement multisensory, evidence-based programs to strengthen foundations & build confidence in the learner.
  • We practice academic and social-emotional strategies such as Social Thinking® ZONES of Regulation® that can be generalized.
  • We lead students to discover self-regulatory tools tohelp them self-advocate and function executively.

How My Parents See Me

Extroverted, athletic, and motivated by peers.

How My Teachers See Me

Outgoing, fun-loving, successful when engaged, chooses friends over learning.

How I See Myself

Energetic and outdoorsy, friendly, unable to sit still in class.

How Learnfully Sees Me

  • Extremely bright & perceptive.
  • Strong tactile learner.
  • Weak visual and auditory learner.
  • Needs tools to channel energy and sustain attention
  • Fan of sports, skateboarding, gaming.

How Learnfully Helps

  • We utilize learners’ strengths and interests to remediate challenges.
  • We implement multisensory, evidence-based programs to strengthen foundations & build confidence in the learner.
  • We practice Executive Functioning strategies that can be generalized in all settings including how to advocate for themselves.
  • We empower students to discover themselves as a learner in order for them to realize their potential.

How My Parents See Me

Intelligent, intense and not yet comfortable as a student.

How My Teachers See Me

Smart with lots of potential, introverted, low self-esteem.

How I See Myself

Out of place and overwhelmed by the noise in the classroom. I would much rather be home reading and doing projects on my own.

How Learnfully Sees Me

  • Extremely bright & perceptive.
  • Strong visual learner.
  • Weak auditory, tactile learner.
  • Highly anxious in group and classroom settings.
  • Loves musicals and knitting.

How Learnfully Helps

  • We utilize learners’ strengths and interests to remediate challenges.
  • We implement multisensory, evidence-based programs to strengthen foundations & build confidence in the learner.
  • We practice strategies such as Lindamood-Bell® Visualizing and Verbalizing® that pair visual representations to oral language to improve expressive language and self-regulation.
  • We help students see and feel success in order to generalize skills in all settings.

Learnfully is NOT Lindamood-Bell Learning Processes. Learnfully is NOT affiliated with, certified, endorsed, licensed, monitored or sponsored by Lindamood-Bell, Nanci Bell, Phyllis Lindamood or Patricia Lindamood. Lindamood-Bell – an international organization creating and implementing unique instructional methods and programs for quality intervention to advance language and literacy skills – in no way endorses or monitors the services provided by Learnfully

How My Parents See Me

Highly capable, rigid with high expectations, takes school seriously at the risk of losing friends.

How My Teachers See Me

Highly motivated by rewards and praise, smart, driven, ambitious, perfectionist.

How I See Myself

Diligent, hard worker, achiever when focused.

How Learnfully Sees Me

  • Extremely bright & perceptive.
  • Strong auditory and visual learner.
  • Weak tactile learner.
  • Needs to discover tools to increase efficiency and efficacy.
  • Fan of Star Wars.

How Learnfully Helps

  • We utilize learners’ strengths and interests to remediate challenges.
  • We implement multisensory, evidence-based programs to strengthen foundations & build confidence in the learner.
  • We practice Executive Functioning strategies that can be generalized in all settings.
  • We empower students to advocate for themselves once they see themselves as a successful learner.

How My Parents See Me

Brilliant, anxious, tries so very hard, easily fatigued, needs to feel in control.

How My Teachers See Me

Fixed mindset, high self-expectations, plays alone, needs coping strategies.

How I See Myself

Serious, smart, rushed at times and misunderstood by teachers.

How Learnfully Sees Me

  • Observant and capable.
  • Strong visual learner.
  • Weak auditory, tactile learner.
  • Highly anxious in group and classroom settings.
  • Fan of legos, puzzles/mazes and brain games.

How Learnfully Helps

  • We utilize learners’ strengths and interests to remediate challenges.
  • We implement multisensory, evidence-based programs to strengthen foundations & build confidence in the learner.
  • We practice coping strategies that can be generalized in all settings.
  • We provide perspective and allow students to explore the importance of a growth mindset using Carol Dweck and Jo Boaler’s studies.
  • We support students’ growth and use of visualization to streamline auditory and tactile input.

How My Parents See Me

Smart & funny, bold, yet gives up easily and avoids school work.

How My Teachers See Me

Spunky, active, helpful, disconnects from school, distracting during independent reading.

How I See Myself

I am not a reader, I am an awesome athlete and a great friend. I try so hard to read and write like my friends and nothing ever seems to help.

How Learnfully Sees Me

  • Extremely bright, yet lacking tools to realize potential.
  • Strong visual learner.
  • Weak auditory learner.
  • Entertains others as a coping mechanism.
  • Fan of Steph Curry/basketball, cars.

How Learnfully Helps

  • We utilize learners’ strengths and interests to remediate challenges.
  • We implement multisensory, evidence-based programs such as Orton-Gillingham®, Wilson Reading Systems® and Lindamood-Bell® LiPS® and Seeing Stars® to strengthen foundations and build confidence.
  • We practice strategies towards automaticity that can be generalized in all settings.
  • We inspire students to have a growth mindset and to see themselves as capable.

Learnfully is NOT Lindamood-Bell Learning Processes. Learnfully is NOT affiliated with, certified, endorsed, licensed, monitored or sponsored by Lindamood-Bell, Nanci Bell, Phyllis Lindamood or Patricia Lindamood. Lindamood-Bell – an international organization creating and implementing unique instructional methods and programs for quality intervention to advance language and literacy skills – in no way endorses or monitors the services provided by Learnfully

How My Parents See Me

Engaged by many interests, creative, prefers friends to school.

How My Teachers See Me

Curious, analytical, deep thinker, learning can come easy,yet drifts often in class, forgetful.

How I See Myself

I am enthusiastic and love to learn! I am in my own world sometimes and then lose track of what we are doing in class.

How Learnfully Sees Me

  • Extremely bright & perceptive.
  • Strong tactile learner.
  • Weak auditory and visual learner due to limited attention span.
  • Highly anxious in group and classroom settings.
  • Fan of Disney’s Frozen and science experiments.

How Learnfully Helps

  • We utilize learners’ strengths and interests to remediate challenges.
  • We implement multisensory, evidence-based programs to strengthen foundations & build confidence in the learner.
  • We practice Executive Functioning strategies that can be generalized in all settings.
  • We teach and empower learners to advocate for themselves.

Programs and Methodologies

Would your child benefit from educational therapy?

Get instruction from educational specialists trained in leading research-based interventions and teaching strategies proven effective for neurodivergent learners, such as those diagnosed with ADHD, ASD, dyslexia, dysgraphia, and other learning differences.

Meet Learnfully

Part Technology Platform

The Learnfully analytic engine takes information, responses, and measurable impressions to create and maintain each learner profile/plan. Goals and progress are displayed clearly. You’re in the know. You have support. You’re in control.

Part Personalized Instruction

Engaged students learn. Each unique learning plan presents curated content, leading online content providers, access to specialized professionals (educational, behavioral, therapists, etc.), tutoring services, insights, and instructions.

100% Focused Learning

Behaviors, emotions, and learning needs change rapidly — continually adapting inputs and adjusting to learner advancement is essential to resolving foundational learning challenges, overcoming roadblocks, and achieving longer-term goals.

A Simple Matter of App-titude

Learnfully platform is intuitive, simple and packs a lot of punch under the hood:

  • Science-backed proprietary assessment based on industry-accepted standards
  • Technology-enhanced interfaces to capture behavioral insights — including things like learner focus and dominant learning style
  • Continuous, multi-sourced inputs ensure a robust, learning profile is always available for insights

Our Learning Platform
Everything You Need

Personalized Programs

We create, organize, and optimize our program for maximum learner engagement. We cut the noise, filter content and present programs that resonate and advance the learners progress and enjoyment of education.

Network of Specialists

Connecting with the professional or service you need has often been a time and money consuming proposition. The Learnfully platform presents vetted educational professionals prepared and chosen to deliver the required services.

Knowing is Powerful…
and Comforting

Status and Learner
Goal Updates

Expect more than bi-annual report cards. Our analytics engine is designed to take all inputs, feedback and observations — providing a continuous window into the growth & development of the learner, making adjustments as needed for their unique journey. Each 1-on1 session is notated to ensure parents are in the know.


Have additional questions?

Our Learner Support team is here to support you – we are available for scheduled conference meetings as needed.

Introducing Test Prep Designed for Neurodivergent Learners! Click here to
Sign up for Learnfully summer enrichment programs now for earlybird pricing. Spots fill fast!