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Speak to a Pediatrician: Understanding How Your Child Learns

As a result of the last 18 tumultuous months, we’re now experiencing a rapid acceleration in the emphasis on foundational learning skills. Not only is awareness of learning differences growing, but so is the anxiety and confusion that follows. Caregivers are unsure of who to ask for support, what symptoms would warrant a diagnosis, and where to turn for treatment. To help, Learnfully and Evolve Health have partnered to give parents and caregivers clear insights into the signs of emerging learning differences, like ADHD and dyslexia, so that you are equipped to take the best next steps.

Personalized Path to Potential

Greenville, SC 310 New Neely Ferry Road, Mauldin, United States

Many kids struggle in traditional classroom settings. Find out why and get effective strategies to put you on the path to potential!

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