Learning requires engaging repetition and consistency to reach a level of independence – learn how to enrich your child’s life through play!
About this Event
There is extensive research to support the benefits of play in childhood development, and the lazy days of summer are the perfect opportunity to encourage and incorporate meaningful play! According to the Harvard Business School of Education, the benefits of play include intellectual development in key areas like Executive Functions, social development, emotional development and physical development.
As a parent or caregiver, we often want to use the summer to address achievement gaps for our kids, enrich areas of interest, or ensure our kids stay productive to prevent the “summer slide.” Learning through play is the perfect approach—by incorporating intentional play, your child can learn the skills they need to thrive next school year and beyond!
In this webinar, we will:
- provide an overview of learning through play,
- discuss real-time, play-based strategies that your family can put into practice all summer, and
- create forward movement in your learners’ confidence and skill-set so that they can approach the coming year with enthusiasm!
We’ll start with a 15-minute presentation followed by an expert panel discussion with “play experts,” saving a few minutes at the end for a live Q&A session.
About the Speakers
This webinar will be hosted by
Jess Corinne, the Head of Educational Services for Learnfully. Jess Corinne has dedicated her life to providing learning support to families using multisensory, evidence-based curriculum. She has 15+ years of neurodiversity experience. At Learnfully, she oversees the administration of academic assessments in order to create differentiated instructional plans for children with or without diagnoses.
The panel of play experts will include distinguished speakers from:
Kinedu is a digital platform for the development of babies, created in 2013. Kinedu offers more than 1,800 early stimulation activities that work on the physical, cognitive, linguistic and socio-affective areas depending on the skills and materials available to each user. Kinedu understands that genetics, environment and experiences during the first years of a person’s life, forge the basis of their future, their health and their ability to learn and seeks to improve the development of an entire generation through their application.
Brainika creates educational games in metaverses for kids 5-12 years old, turning bad screen time into opportunities to learn. They believe in edufying games, not gamifying books, bringing education to games kids already love, and igniting their natural interest in knowledge. They help kids with ADHD and neurotypical kids reach their full potential in math and reading comprehension using educational games on Roblox.

Don’t worry f you missed the event! You can watch the recording here: