Discover your learner's strengths and develop the critical social emotional (SEL) skills to reduce anxiety, enhance decision making skills, and build learner confidence.
Discover your learner's strengths and develop the critical social emotional (SEL) skills to reduce anxiety, enhance decision making skills, and build learner confidence.
I have a hard time sitting still in class. My teacher thinks that I'm disruptive, but really I just have a hard time channeling my energy.
I'm diligent in my studies, but sometimes feel overwhelmed and extremely anxious when I don't meet expectations.
My teachers think I'm spacey sometimes. But really I get overwhelmed by instructions and talking in general.
My parents think that I'm stubborn and can't follow instructions but sometimes I just get confused and I'm not sure how to ask for help.
With all of the time the kids have been online this year for school, I was worried that they would be burnt out and not engage virtually. My fears were immediately alleviated and have been ever since. I am so grateful that we have Learnfully to support our family!
Learnfully came across my radar at the perfect time to help with this transition! Jess reached out and reviewed the reports, expertly recommended our Educational Specialist, Erin, and the kids were off and running with highly targeted tutoring sessions in just a few weeks!
Whether you want to start with a learning assessment or are ready for a document review, we always start off with a short parent session via Zoom to get to know you and your learner.
After a review of the personalized learner recommendations, you can select the program that's best for you. Sessions include 1-to-1 instruction, with a matched educational specialist.
We deliver continuous feedback to caregivers on the progress of your learner, ensuring that both the program and specialist are a good match for your learner.